Where and When


How and When to Find Us

Christ's Church Guilderland meets weekly in The Upper Room located at 52 Corporate Circle, Suite 215, just off New Karner Road in Guilderland, NY. Turn by the Stewart's on New Karner Road and look left. We are in the back.

Our Sunday morning service starts at 10:30, with the doors opening at 9:00 for adult Sunday School. We have plenty of conversation and coffee or other refreshments. We wrap up our services around 11:45, though everyone is welcome to stay after and visit.

Second Sunday Supper

We offer a monthly dinner together after church on what we call “Second Sunday Supper,” taking place on the second Sunday of every month. Everyone is welcome whether you bring a dish to pass or not. There’s plenty to share!

We also have a number of small groups affiliated with our church that meet both here at The Upper Room as well as in the community throughout the week. Please contact us for more information.